Publication tag: Tourism

Tourism climate change knowledge system

Tourism ventures in Vanuatu

This paper explores the knowledge around climate change across academic, practice and political domains to identify gaps in understanding and opportunities for improved action to address climate risks.

Tourism benefits from ecosystem-based approaches to climate change

Tourism in Vanuatu

Tourism is strongly interlinked with the natural and social environment, in particular in destinations around the Pacific, such as Vanuatu. These environments are vulnerable to climate change which impacts on the social–ecological system of destinations. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) uses ecosystems to manage the risks of climate change.

Adopting a whole of system approach to climate risk in Vanuatu

Tourism in Tanna

Understanding climate risk in Vanuatu is critical to the success of the tourism industry. Given the connections between economic, socio-cultural, political, and environmental variables in destinations throughout Vanuatu, assessments of climate risk requires a whole of system approach. Mapping linkages and interactions can help to explore climate risks and impacts and safeguard the industry from exposure and maladaptation.

Local context shapes resilience and climate risk in tourism

While climate change threatens tourism across many scales, local context ultimately determines climate risk and resilience. This paper explores the role of local context in shaping the future of tourism, with a strong focus on climate risk and opportunities for adaptation.

Pacific EcoAdapt