public goods

Public goodspublic goods Public goods are goods and services that are non-rival (they are not diminished when used by someone) and from which it is difficult to exclude beneficiaries (they are not closed-off, gated, easily charged-for, so that prices can disclose value). Many ecosystem services are public goods, such as carbon sequestration for climate regulation, water filtration services, or public lands. are goods and services that are non-rival (they are not diminished when used by someone) and from which it is difficult to exclude beneficiaries (they are not closed-off, gated, easily charged-for, so that prices can disclose value). Many ecosystem servicesecosystem services Ecosystem services are the goods and services provided by nature which are experienced as or transformed into benefits for human society. They are generally classed as 'provisioning' (material things that are consumed), 'regulating' (non-material benefits derived from habitat functioning), and 'cultural' (non-material benefits obtained from an experience of nature, including tourism). are public goods, such as carbon sequestration for climate regulation, water filtration services, or public lands.


Pacific EcoAdapt