Publication tag: Coral reefs

Water quality in coral reef lagoon system

Erakor lagoon, Efate

Coastal waters are used for recreational activities such as swimming or fishing. In the South Pacific Islands, most of the population and infrastructures are concentrated near the coast. Wastewater discharge are often not well regulated and released in the coastal waters. Growing population and effect of climate change might compromised the water quality of coastal lagoon if no management plans are established.

Climate change adaptation strategies for coral reef ecosystems

Coral reef in Vanuatu

This paper reports on a dynamic modelling framework for ecosystem-based adaptation planning in a SIDS island context that is focussed on the assessment of coral reef health and resilience under different climate change scenarios, and the consequential economic and human well-being impacts. Port Resolution, Tanna Island was used as a case study to develop, test and model the fringing coral reef, local community and resultant socio-ecological system.

Mapping long-term coral reef ecosystems regime shifts

Coral reefs are among the most fragile ecosystems that provide essential services to local island communities. It is known that climate change impacts are the leading factors in coral reefs regime shift. Naturally, exploring the characteristics and interactions shaping regime shifts of coral reefs are critical in managing system pressures; enhancing resilience; aiding their regeneration and recovery process, and restoring habitat complexity.

Coastal processes within a coral reef lagoon, Erakor, Vanuatu

Coral reef processes

No data monitoring was done in Erakor Lagoon on Efate, in Vanuatu, to assess current and future risks to the coral reefs. We have led a month data collection in Erakor to improve our knowledge of coastal processes in this area and of wave transformation over the reef.

Pacific EcoAdapt