Lead - Risk assessment
Rodney is Deputy Head of School (Research) in the School of Engineering and Built Environment based at Griffith University, Gold Coast City, Queensland Australia. Professor Stewart is an expert in engineering, construction and environmental engineering and management research.
His current particular area of research focus is on digital utility transformation. Professor Stewart is leading industry collaborative research projects that seek to integrate 'big data' metering and monitoring technologies and associated expert systems into infrastructure, particularly in the water and energy utility sector, in order to better manage these critical resources and better integrate contemporary solutions such as renewable energy and decentralised water supply. He has a rapidly growing citation trajectory with a H-Index of 49, i-10 index of 121 and over 7600 citations (January 2021; Scholar).
He has received over USD $7M of external funding, including over 15 years of continuous prestigious significant Australian Research Council (ARC) funding to date. He has averaged over 15 refereed publications per year in his academic career. Professor Stewart has research peer esteem being ARC assessor for grant applications, as well as organising committee or invited/keynote speaker for a number of international specialist conferences. Rodney has supervised to successful completion over twenty PhD graduates to date; many of which have received national or international accolades for their research outputs and all employed after completion. He has numerous visiting Fellow (funded) invitations including for example, 2012 and 2017 visits to the strong Urban Water Systems Group in Exeter (UK), 2013 visit to UC-Davis Centre for Watershed Sciences (USA), and 2017 visit to Cambridge University.